Jean-Claude Picard
The renowned artist Jean-Claude Picard, born on March 23, 1945, enchants with his unmistakable painting style. After training as a graphic artist and designer in Basel, travel and study trips took him to the South of France and Catalonia, where he perfected his skills in various painting schools. The atmosphere and light of the South captivated him and so he settled in Catalonia in 1978.
Picard's preferred subjects are still lifes and landscapes, which he always depicts in bright, light-filled images. His abstract works are based on real motifs, which he transforms into imaginative color compositions. By breaking the motifs down into small, bright areas of color, he expresses the elemental forces of nature in a sensual way.
Inspired by Paul Klee, fields and meadows are created from colorful stripes, while trees and houses are depicted in schematic structures. In some works, the objective elements dissolve completely into atmospheric color perceptions. Picard creates lush, atmospheric landscapes in subtle, harmonious color nuances.
With his talent for capturing light in bright colors on canvas, Picard masterfully manages to capture the atmosphere of summer twilight. His works, which have been presented at successful exhibitions in Colmar and Strasbourg since 1963, are sought-after collector's items due to their expressive color harmonies.